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The synopsis

A winter night, somewhere on the outskirts of Paris. Inspector Nils and his Deputy Gambale pace down the corridors of an abandoned slaughterhouse for half an hour, when they encounter a bizarre crime scene. Two store mannequins staged like rotting corpses.

Thinking of a mere hoax, they had no idea this was the first work of a psychopath, later known as the Mannequin Man.

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The experience

The atmosphere

Did you say Thriller?

Welcome to Paris, yes, but a Paris far from postcards clichés and selfie poles. All the ingredients of the thriller genre are there: a dark urban atmosphere, abandoned buildings, a mysterious serial killer and a languishing investigation. Those who liked the movies Seven, The Silence of the Lambs or more recently the video game Heavy Rain will love it.

Real-life scenery

From the dilapidated shop to the insalubrious squat, the scenery is dark, seeping and disturbing, only enhanced by tiny steams of light. We have paid the greatest attention to make it both realistic and consistent. You won’t see any cardboard cut-out villainy or furniture taken from a famous Swedish store. Explore the nooks and crannies, have a look at the photos, read the newspapers. Everything has a soul, and sometimes, even a smell.

The content

No sofa, no pop-corn

Some of you might be disappointed, but the experience does not consist in just being locked in a room, searching for keys. Everything was designed to get you out of your comfort zone, to the point that you won’t be able to guess what is going to happen within the next 30 minutes. On the agenda: exploration of abandoned basements, crime scene analysis, brutal interrogation or even street surveillance.

For eyes and ears

Total immersion cannot be ensured without elaborate content. That’s why we have wrapped up 30 minutes of movie cutscenes designed to drive the scenario, and displayed throughout the experience. As for the music, we have come up with an original soundtrack performed by an orchestra of 30 musicians. Please click here if you want to download or listen to it.

The interplay

One adventure, four endings

Unlike conventional movies and theatre plays, The Live Thriller is a hundred per cent interactive experience. This time, you will be at the heart of the action, and will have to face crucial decisions leading you to one of the four possible endings. Please note that we cannot guarantee the mainstream happy one.

Actors? Really?

Any self-respecting thriller must display its bunch of tormented characters. The Live Thriller is no exception to the rule. Portrayed by professional actors, some of them will be comforting, while others far more disturbing. Their common point? A behavior adapted to your actions and decisions. In fact, you will quickly forget they are only actors.

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In practice

The Live Thriller, it is

More than 2h of experience

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For groups of 2 to 6 people

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On several places

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90% indoor, 10% outdoor

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Around Jules Joffrin station (line 12)

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In French or English